Wednesday, September 22, 2010

swat anims

These are a couple of keyframed animation roughs I did before we had mocap data in place, just to get the system set up.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

the glorious 70's

This is an animatic I did for a game pitch set in the 70's. Its tongue in cheek and pays homage to all of those great funky TV show intros from that time. The music is original made by my friends band just for this piece.
I really love the track, hope you like it.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Brand new!

First Post Woo Hoo! Just trying this out, figured I needed to finally get some kind of online portfolio and this was the easiest. Just a first test here,from Star Trek: Legacy for Xbox, and a little animation test I did awhile back. I'll post more as I decide what I want up here and make anything new.